Cooking Aboard

Posted:  July 28, 2018
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A question I get asked a lot is “how do you cook in such a tiny kitchen?” My first response is usually: “well, it’s not a kitchen… its a galley” followed up with “it’s not much different than a ‘standard size kitchen'” whatever that may mean.

Honestly, one of the biggest reasons we chose Avocet is because of the galley size. Her galley has the largest boat fridge that I have ever seen with an ice box that can even store ice cream! Okay, so maybe some things are a little different than living ashore, but thanks to awesome products like our collapsable stock pot we don’t have to sacrifice too many “normal” things. My galley is stocked with nifty items made (in my opinion) just for sailors; such as my collapsable measuring cups, small (yet large) drying rack, and even more things that you will be introduced to through our upcoming videos and blog posts. To get a taste (haha get it?) of what I mean, check out this short video we made featuring myself cooking aboard Avocet. Recipe will be posted below. Cheers!


Coral Red Recipe Pinterest Graphic


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