Avocet SAILS!

Posted:  August 2, 2018
In:  Blog
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What a weekend!

After 5 months, 140 days, one marriage and a whole lot of work later Avocet finally left her slip and got wind in her sails. I can not tell you how amazing it felt to pass through the breakers because right then is when Avocet became sea worthy. We spent the better half of our afternoon sailing around, checking out the oil rigs (which I’m sure Chris will make a documentary about later) and dodging crab pots. There was little wind, but Avocet glided with ease, going faster than Chris and I expected. After an incredible day we came back to the dock around 5:00 and with some help from our neighbor we got Avocet back into her slip. In true Marissa fashion, I whipped up a huge celebratory dinner for the two of us to enjoy (stuffed eggplant parmesan, raspberry spinach salad, and stuffed mushrooms)- The perfect ending to a perfect day. On Sunday we woke up and decided to go back out, this time with friends aboard! Below is a video of our first weekend sailing, it may not mean a lot to you, but it does to us!




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