AKA La Cruz de Huanacaxtle The wind was the first thing to greet us as we sailed into Banderas Bay, putting the swell...
Mainland Articles
Mainland Magic – Chacala
Finally “I have been looking forward to this for an entire year” I said as the plate of benedictinos y cafe de olla...
Adios Avocet – The Haul Out
Peñasco Party - Part One Hauling out was different this time. Our life was even more-so weaved into the boat, and we...
The Last 100 Miles to Peñasco
Here’s Where Things Get Interesting Although Chris and I are accustomed to being on the go, constantly, our 3 month...
Leaving La Cruz (for REAL This Time)
Leaving La Cruz was tough but with a working engine and hurricane season on our heels we were at peace with our decision.
San Blas, Nayarit
Chris’s legs were dangling above the pit that once held our Perkins engine, debating his next move while painted in...
Back in La Cruz (and the rebuild of our Perkins 4.108)
Here We Go Again For us, it was like being back in the trenches; Chris head down into our bilge, covered in oil and...
Hasta Luego, La Cruz
Life in La Cruz The morning light had come all too soon - didn’t we just crawl into bed a few hours ago? It was 9:00...
Yelapa, Mexico
Hola, Yelapa The morning sunlight poured through our stateroom portlight while the smell of burning coconut husks...
Banderas Bay
Our Own Slice of Paradise We had been anchored in Banderas Bay for a month and had settled into a routine: wake up, go...