Good old boat:
[October 2022] Our dodger project is definitely one of our crowning acheivments on Avocet. We hope you enjoy the read!
Spinsheet Magazine: 5 tips for boat shows
[October 2022] Last year we had the opportunity to attend the Annapolis boat show which was an incredible experience. Through that, I wrote some tips for new-show-goers to learn from our mistakes and sent it to Annapolis’s local SpinSheet Magazine that just published the article for the 2022 show. Not sure how I feel about them calling me a “vlogger” though… but nonetheless, I’m glad it got published.
Cruising world magazine: Chainplates
[August 2022] This article accomplishment and the first of what I hope to be many publications in their magazine. A friend sent me this photo but can’t wait to get my hands on my own copy. This article is all about why your rig is only as strong as your weakest link and you should absolutely investigate your chainplates – quoting local legends like Kim Weire and Ross Hubbard, good friends and solid sounding boards for our boat. I hope you can read it soon!
The Heartbeat podcast: interview
[July 2022] I have been virtual friends with Kevin for a while now, following his unique journey and public speaking, which is why when he posted that he was looking for new podcast guests I jumped at the opportunity! Although he was looking for couples that had been together for 30 years, I offered our story as a young live aboard couple for his consideration. about 10 minutes later he was in my inbox and we set a time to chat. It was refreshing to talk about the story of us and our lessons as a young couple in contrast to our regular podcast interviews that are boat-based. We hope you enjoy this podcast episode and look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Cruising World magazine: Take over
[June 2022] Chris and I had the incredible opportunity to host a virtual journey on Cruising World Magazine’s social media pages. I supplied them with a weeks worth of content and stories to keep their feeds active while telling our story – from our little race boat to Avocet and all the adventures in between! If you don’t already, I highly recommend you give their accounts a follow.
the live aboard podcast: interview
[March 2022] We had the pleasure of chatting with Annika about our life aboard Avocet for her podcast, the Liveaboard Podcast! Funny enough, we were in the boatyard sanding our mast when we took a break in the car to have this chat. I surely thought we sounded exhausted and frazzled, but I am pleasantly surprised that we kept it together and thanks to Annika’s skillful editing it was a wonderful interview. Give it a listen!
Tiny Home Tours: podcast interview
[March 2022] In 2021 we sat down to chat with the Tiny Homes Tour about life aboard, our projects, plans
Good Old Boat: Anchor Alarm
[March 2022] Another take on our Catalina adventure, but this time outlining what went right, wrong, and all the
Sailing magazine: Discovering treasure
[March 2022] If you know my husband, then you know he is somewhat of a raccoon, sifting through the trash in search for various odds and ends to add to our boat. He happens to be really good at it, so good that he has saved us tens of thousands by strategically dumpster diving. I was inspired by his effort to write a little something, and seek out fellow sailors that find treasure in the trash as well.
Latitudes & Attitudes: Cover Shot & feature
[March 2022] Spring definitely sprung in 2022 and we were THRILLED that Marissa scored the cover shot on Lats&Atts Spring edition as well as a great write-up on our Catalina Island adventure.
Latitude 38: to paint? or not to paint?
[February 2022] Latitude 38 published Marissa’s research piece on aluminum finishes. You should absolutely check it out
Sistership magazine: feature and cover shot!
[January 2022] I cannot even begin to tell you how honored I am to hold the cover of SisterShip magazine’s January 2022 issue. This magazine exists to help create space for women in the maritime industry to tell their tales and connect with one another and has provided me with a plethora of inspiration in sailing and life in general. Back in 2021, I had the opportunity to chat about my life afloat with the magazines chief editor, Amy, who is a successful sailor herself having circumnavigated the globe aboard her vessel.
Good Old Boat: Toe-tally worth it!
[December 2021] Big thanks to our pals at GOB for publishing our bulwark build story! This particular project has earned us a lot of
Wholesome sailors: foolproof focaccia
[December 2021] Focaccia has become a staple aboard Avocet and I have this recipe down to a T. It warms my heart when friends ask me to bake it, and there is nothing I enjoy more than good food and friendship. If you are looking for a recipe to warm your soul and home, look no further! Check out my Focaccia recipe that I shared with the Wholesome Sailors.
good old boat: creature comforts
[November 2021] We had the pleasure of talking about some of the more creative projects that we have done aboard that add some creature comforts. You can read all about it in GOB’s “Creature Comforts” piece in their November 2021 magazine! We look forward to writing more contributions for the fine folks at Good Old Boat – stay tuned!
sailing magazine: reduce the roll
[October 2021] Flop Stoppers – What a funny word, huh? A while back I wrote a technical piece about the various mechanisms used to help take some of the roll out of the ocean when anchored out, and Sailing Magazine was kind enough to publish it in their magazine!
Museum of the Sierra: creek fire story
[September 2021] In 2020 the Creek Fire raged through Shaver Lake which is not only Chris’s hometown but also a place where generations of Hushaw’s have gathered. It was emotional and extremely trying for us which is why when the Historical Society reached out for our “story” on the anniversary of it all, I was more than willing to share our experience.
Adventure sports journal: high Sierra regatta
[August 2021] Adventure Sports Journal published our write up on the annual High Sierra Regatta! It brings us so much joy to share such a special place with a new audience.
Dockwa: featured
[July 2021] Dockwa is essentially trivago for boats; you make a reservation at a marina, check in and out just like a hotel. The media team at Dockwa was kind enough to allow us the opportunity to “spill our guts” about boat life. It was fun to really dive into each question and critically think about our experience in hopes to inspire the readers. If you enjoyed the read please let the kind folks at Dockwa know!
Latitudes & Attitudes: There's this place
[June 2021] Chris and I had the honor of being featured in Latitudes and Attitudes Summer 2021 magazine! I wrote about our time in Fry’s Harbor, a lovely little anchorage on Santa Cruz Island that holds historical significance and remnants of a time almost forgotten. It is a short read, but we were
She's A Full On Monet: 5 Tips for Living on a Boat
[April 2021] Marissa had the opportunity to write an article for She’s a Full On Monet and discuss life afloat and some tips and tricks she picked up along the way. It was a fun, short read!
Summer Sailstice: Ambassadors
Chris and I are honored to be ambassadors for the Summer Sailstice! This annual event aims to inspire and attract sailors to get wind in their sails while virtually buddy boating with sailors all over the world!Summer Sailstice: Ambassadors
Sailboat Cruisers: Q&A
[March 2021] At the beginning of
Latitude 38: Feature
We were featured in the February 2021 Latitude 38 Magazine that showcased our toe rail to bulwark conversion. It was a 3 page spread that had us smiling ear to ear!
Harbormoor Feature - Cheoy Lee 41
MIn December 2020 we were honored to be featured on Harbormoor’s blog and discussed the details of our floating home Avocet. HarborMoor is the first online directory for boat owners within, and across, harbors. Join us as we celebrate the most notable vessels, captains, and resources on the water.
Yellow Productions: What's It Like to Live & Travel on a Sailboat (Livechat)
On October 27th 2020 we were thrilled to sit down and chat with Chris from Yellow Productions and discuss our life afloat. His YouTube channel is highly successful at 120,000 subscribers, and he posts excellent travel content!

Nautilus Marine: Sailing + Youtube Channels
We were featured in the Nautilus Marine Magazine’s October 2020 issue for the Top 10 Sailing Youtube Channels to watch during the COVID-19 lockdown! Our channel was mentioned along with the likes of big names like SV Delos, Millenial Falcon, Expedition Drenched, and our friends Beau and Brandy- we are still excited about it!

The Anchor Magazine: Spotlight
We were featured in the local Anchor Magazine in November 2019, discussing our cruising plans and life afloat in Ventura CA