The Eagles won. No surprise there—though I’m sure some Swifties were less than thrilled. Truth be told, we didn’t...
All blogs tagged 'peter'
Fire and Farewells
At the time of writing this, many of our friends are already halfway across the pacific ocean, while we are sitting...
Hello, Homeport It was cold and damp, with the familiar sound of waves crashing on the beach echoing throughout the...
Our Mission to San Javier Mission, BCS
It's My Birthday! When it comes to birthdays, mine tends to either be blended into Christophers or get overlooked...
Bahia Ballandra
After being blown out of Isla Coronados, we laid anchor in Bahia Ballandra, a new-to-us anchorage on Isla Carmen....
Isla Coronados and Loreto
When I think of my 2023 cruising season the main memories that come to mind are our engine woes, finding a family in...
Punta Pulpito
After a lovely sail from Chivato, we arrived at Punta Pulpito and set our hook alongside crew-less Kessel. Her tender,...
Punta Chivato
There should be no surprise when I tell you that cruising fosters a special community. We cross paths with so many...
Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur
After an exhilarating 150-nautical-mile sail from Refugio, the sight of Santa Rosalia's breakwater felt like a beacon...
The Haul Out: Take 2
The connection between vessel and crew is a tale as old as time, and for those of us who live aboard their vessels the...